Saturday, June 26, 2010

Chinook Winds Casino, Lincoln City, OR

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Last night I parked at the Chinook Winds Casino in Lincoln City, OR.  Free parking close to beach, fresh salt air, cool temperatures… really great sleeping.  This morning I went into the Casino with $1.00 and got a free breakfast, thanks to Robin, plus two bananas and an orange to go, and came out with $10.50.  Last of the big gamblers.

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Then I went for a walk on beach and found some agates.  Finished up about 1:30 pm and got ready to hit the road.  The beach is down below those two buildings (hotel on left and casino on right).  Then checked email and learned that metal detecting is allowed on this beach… and good items have been found.  Also there is gold down there and I could have panned if I had known.  I feel my schedule is a little tight with having to meet up with Tori (granddaughter) this weekend at a pirate festival, so I decided to put the metal detecting and gold panning off to the next visit to OR.  Then I plan to spend about a week in the area.

So, just sat in the van for awhile wondering “Does it really get any better than this?”  I didn’t even care that my socks and tennies were all wet and sandy.

My sister left a phone message to say she was just thinking about my beautiful haircut and decided to call me up.  We will talk over the weekend.

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Approaching Tillamook, OR, the smell of cow dung in the air was so thick, I could not breath, but soon thereafter the scenery improved greatly and I wished I was not driving so I could just take photos. 

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No choice so I just held up the camera and clicked aimlessly away hoping to get a couple of good shots.

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Got to Warrenton, OR and met a friend from last year (Dave Roche)… who did interviews of me he later posted to You-Tube.  I ran into him when I was first driving my van down onto the Oregon beach… I took a photo of it down there and that is what I used for my personal cards.  He was so interested in my plans for kayaking American he asked to interview me.  He is an amateur but has an amazing eye for beauty and is quite the philosopher.  I feel like he is my soul brother.

Here are  the  video links.



He treated me to dinner at DQ and we philosophized about the NOW and living in the PRESENT and we agreed that is really isn’t something you can explain to someone else… they have to come to it on their own.  I was bad and the chili cheese dog was yummy. He said he thought he’d never see me again, but I can’t imagine passing the area without saying hello.  I can’t tell his story… but it is very inspiring.

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It was a good day… and I am good-tired, and settled into the Costco parking lot for the night, and spend some time catching up on email.  Finally did catch up with mail from two of my groups.  It is nice and quiet here and I’m going to enjoy a good night’s sleep.

No, it doesn’t get any better than this… until tomorrow, when I hope to see my granddaughter at a pirate festival.  Yeap, Granny is going to a pirate festival.

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Who is Swankie?

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Anywhere, USA, Full-Time USA traveler, United States
In 2006, I was shopping for a wheelchair. By 2007, I had new knees, better health and by 2008 a kayak. In Aug 2013, I kayaked my 49th state, Alaska, at the Holgate Glacier and in May 2014, I kayaked Hawaii, my 50th state, to celebrate my 70th Birthday and the finale to the wonderful adventure of Kayaking America. Next up... Re-kayaking southwestern states.
