Saturday, June 26, 2010

Astoria, OR to Westport, WA

Not a lot happened today… just driving.  Headed toward the bridge over the Columbia River in Astoria, OR… that thing really is scary.  It looks so tall from below.

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Crossed over into Washington State, now me and all my descendants (5) are all in the same state.  That might not happen again for a couple years, if ever.

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Missed my turn and ended up out on a peninsula in Long Beach.  Neat little town and they had Doggie Olympics going on there.  I turned back and headed for the right road to Westport, WA.   Very interesting drive, by the way.

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Now I’ll just post all the Pirate photos of my granddaughter’s group.  Will point out my granddaughter and daughter-in-law.  Not much else to comment on… just enjoy.  Tomorrow I’m going to walk around the rest of the festival and see the other vendors before heading toward Port Angeles, WA.

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That be my granddaughter….

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…hey, granddaughter…..

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Finally, Tori turns around.

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My daughter-in-law, Rhonda, came out for the day to video the performance.

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The kids were loving all the noise.

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Cracking whips.

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Boy, I hope my vandweller necklace looks like that one day.

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Firing the cannons.

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Red skirted gal… my granddaughter Tori, waiting to deliver power to the cannoniers.

An interesting bus…. vendor selling cotton candy, boy did that smell good.pirates_ 008

Back in Pirate Camp…

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Cleaning of the guns.

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Black shirt… that be my eldest granddaughter, Tori.  Fellas are busy cleaning their guns after a nice demonstration.

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It’s been a long and fulfilling day.  I am HERE.


  1. you have mentioned vandweller necklas b4 now what is this? you also mentioned trading beads i find this very interesting and would like to knowe more i love your blog


  2. Nitason, in 2008 when I decided to prepare to vandwell and travel fulltime, I devised the necklace in order to keep track of how many other like-minded vandwellers I met on the road. I bought a bag of plastic craft beads and had a leather shoe lace. Each time I met another vandweller, I added a bead to my necklace. Soon others got to liking the idea and began trading beads with me. Some are even making there own beads to give out to other vandwellers they meet. The idea is spreading... and my necklace is growing. I have a list of who each bead represents. As time goes on some of the earlier beads are being replaced from glass or stone beads. Now I will look for the photo and repost all this to a blog post.

  3. See the post I did on Traveler's Necklace.


Who is Swankie?

My photo
Anywhere, USA, Full-Time USA traveler, United States
In 2006, I was shopping for a wheelchair. By 2007, I had new knees, better health and by 2008 a kayak. In Aug 2013, I kayaked my 49th state, Alaska, at the Holgate Glacier and in May 2014, I kayaked Hawaii, my 50th state, to celebrate my 70th Birthday and the finale to the wonderful adventure of Kayaking America. Next up... Re-kayaking southwestern states.
