Shoulder have healed. I am back in the wilderness again. Life is good... better than I ever imagined. Will try to catch up after a long absence.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Changed Setting for this Blog
Well, 4/8/13 I changed the settings again, as whatever I did was blocking all comments. Hope this makes things more interesting. Swankie
Friday, March 15, 2013
Experimenting with my Amazon Store
Ha, there you go. I wondered how people got this adds inserted into the blog itself... and I did it. Yeah.
O.K. back to looking for more gadgets and stuff.
Alright, I've figured out how to get tabs at the top, now if I can figure out how to add the titles I want to add???
But enough for now. The van is getting hot and I must go have a cooler place to spend the day. 85 degrees are 12:30pm.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Take time to smell the rocks?
Today I ran away from home to go out and smell the rocks. urrrr flowers??? No, I smell rocks – guess I’m suffering from rock withdrawal, afterall, I’ve been in a city for a month now. Thought I needed a little desert time... so I followed my nose and ended up at Lake Pleasant Regional Park north of Phoenix.
Really, I shouldn't have spent the gas money that way... but just thought I deserved it. It's called "re-creation" (oh, wait, I even have a degree in that, and I should use my degree, right!).
Having spent the past month, parking lot hopping… it was good to get out and walk in the fresh air and sunshine. We had almost 24 hours
of rain. Things were blowing everywhere. And that’s all the desert needs… to turn green.
This is near the Visitors Center at Lake Pleasant Regional Park… and NO, it’s not irrigated.
I understand they also have about 300 head of wild burros here as well, and I’ve seen proof of that, but no real animals sited.
Photo from: Taos Unlimited
They also have Satellite towers here… so I’ve got good internet.
OK, one of those is a Satellite tower.
The rock wall is a desert tortoise enclosure. They are not out yet, too cold. For more about this go to next page on Desert Tortoise.
It doesn’t get any better than this, until tomorrow.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Celias Rainbow Garden
Every since I first came to Quartzsite, I had been hearing about Celias Rainbow Garden. It sounded hokey to me. But finally, my last day in Quartzsite (Feb. 2012), I decided to check it out. After all, her father is one of the most memorable characters you could ever meet and he did entertain me at a concert he gave at the Quartzsite Improvement Association in February 2012. And he entertained me every time I saw him riding through town on his bike, half dressed, and when he did the Spirit Walk of the Quartzsite Hi Jolly Cemetery. So I figured it was time to see the Garden.
L: Paul Winer at Hi Jolly Cemetery, R: Paul in front of his bookstore.
I thought it would be morbid.
Her parent/mother/father? wrote this on the above webpage: “Celia was a miracle baby. Having tried to have a child for many years and being told it would never happen, I had given up trying and made peace with it. Then, out of the clear blue, I found myself pregnant at 37 years old. It was quite a shock for both of us. I found out I was pregnant on Christmas Eve 1985, and before I had even had a chance to get into maternity clothes, Celia decided to make her entry on Good Friday, March 28, 1986. I was only 23¼ weeks pregnant, so when she was born, the doctors said she would not make it. She came into this world weighing only 670 grams or 1 ¼ pounds, and was Canada’s smallest surviving baby in both weight and gestation at that time. “
So, it’s got to be morbid, right? But to my delight, it was a wonderful respite from the desert heat. Trees and cactus have been planted, and an irrigation drip line has been installed so vegetation doesn’t dry up in the intense heat of the desert. All sorts of people have come, not only to pay tribute to a small child’s short life, but to erect memorials of others who have gone before them. I walked the curved paths in awe of the uniqueness of the Garden.
Words fail me, so I will just insert the photos, and add a description here and there. But, if you are in Quartzsite, AZ… you might find a visit to the Garden to be surprisingly wonderful. Wildlife also abounds there. The trails and paths wind and twist between dozens of lovingly created memorials.
Near the entrance is this butterfly and a list of contributors. The butterfly is made from pieces of obsidian, black, rainbow, and mahogany.
There are lots of places to stop and rest, this a mosaic bench… handmade.
I’ve never seen such lovingly designed memorials.
And so many desert plants, all preserved now.
Another resting place.
Dancing is a big thing in Quartzsite, and this memorial is made of black obsidian and white quartz.
One of my favorites… name of WAYNE spelled out with pieces of petrified wood, and the border is also petrified wood.
All petrified wood.
It is really a wonderful place. I came away feeling humbled and awestruck, even though I’m not a very “religious” person.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Finally, got my blog writer (Win Live Writer) installed and working?
This is a test???
Who is Swankie?

- SwankieWheels
- Anywhere, USA, Full-Time USA traveler, United States
- In 2006, I was shopping for a wheelchair. By 2007, I had new knees, better health and by 2008 a kayak. In Aug 2013, I kayaked my 49th state, Alaska, at the Holgate Glacier and in May 2014, I kayaked Hawaii, my 50th state, to celebrate my 70th Birthday and the finale to the wonderful adventure of Kayaking America. Next up... Re-kayaking southwestern states.