Yesterday (9/4/09) was exciting, crossing the Astoria Bridge over the Columbia River. Got fussed at by my navigator van monkey, Spankie, kept telling me to stop taking pictures and keep my eye on the road. Reminds me of his two older brothers. The above picture is how my old and new van curtains look from driver's door. The shiney one is the old one. The bluesh one is the new one. I hang a reflective vest so it looks a little like a work van.

The next series of photographs were taken at Ruby Beach, WA. Fascinating place. I don't believe you can take a bad photo in that place. Weather was terrible, and I had to do a lot of log scrambling. There won't be captions on most of these. More text below though.
Another military facility. Lots of people hunkered down against the rain.
One beach had several dead squid - you can tell the size by my size 9 tennis shoe.

September 6, 2009 I stopped in the Forks at night. Learned about the movie, Twilight which, according to it's story line was filmed here. Not. I never heard of it before, but guess I need to see it now. Twilight Book series takes place in the Forks and LaPush. The movie, however, was filmed in Portland. This van says "Twilight Tours." Below, a link to my daughter-in-laws visit there.
Next day (9/7) I drove to the farthest most northwest point of the US at Neah Bay on the Indian Reservation. That was really cool.

I couldn't believe that someone thought it necessary to post a sign to tell drivers there were at a Photo Op!!!
I figured it out all by myself.
Spent time with Gary and Mike and Heidi. We went to check out this van for another friend. (Gary on left, Mike on right)
Mike trying some of Gary's veggies, and Gary trying some of Mike's canned cheese and chicken crackers.

Heidi hides from the camera... so here are the three not so shy folk with their respective van monkies. Gary, Charlene and Mike.

Mike's Bo monkey, is doing something unspeakable to my hat, but if you look closely, Mike has a small sea gull doing "pay back" on his hat.

We just had a nice day visiting, beachcombing, chatting, etc.
The Monkey Gang at the Northwest Gathering of Van-dwellers.
Next, will be my fifth state paddle of Washington state.