Thursday, January 28, 2016

Why am I loosing followers??? (update)

I have been using Windows LiveWriter for years now, but suddenly I can not upload from that program to Blogger.  A group of Microsoft guys got together and created Open Live Writer to fix the problems.  It is an open source program.  I just downloaded and install it and this will be my first test of the program.
I am thinking the problem of loosing followers has something to do with LiveWriter no longer working with Blogger.  So, we shall see what happens.  A week ago I have 203 followers, then it dropped to 175 a couple days ago and today it is 168.  I don’t like that trend.  So the following is a test post really, just to see what happens.
Check it out if you have trouble with Windows LiveWriter.
Began the new year by climbing Q Mountain with 13 other people.  We began this last year.  If feels like a great way to begin a new year.
I have been unable to post for a few weeks now and suddenly, I go from 203 followers, to 175 followers yesterday to 168 followers today (1/28/2016).  Does anyone know why?
I have been busy in Quartzsite Arizona with a gathering of vandwellers, held in January each year, and this was the largest gathering yet, probably over 200 people easy.  Too big a crowd for me.
Also a major rewiring of my van house power system, upgrading from two house batteries to three just had to happen.
From this old system…
… to this.  Going from 130watt of solar and 220amp hours of battery power, to 290 watts of solar and 345 amp hours of battery power.  I had to give up my passenger seat to make room.
I have done all the work myself.
It is also the time when there are many rock vendors in town and so much to see and do.
Review of 2015 – I have been working on this post but have been overwhelmed by all that I did last year.  So many photos.  I work on it awhile, get frustrated, and set it aside again.
Upgrading Onboard Power System
Plans for 2016 – still include hiking the Arizona Trail, but have postponed it until fall to train and get equipment needed.
I promise you all I have not died.  I hope no one else drops out of following me.  There are still adventures to be had.
Thank you.
It doesn’t get any better than this, until tomorrow.  (SwankieWheels)

Thank you for doing your usual Amazon shopping using my affiliate link.

Help me a little if you can by donating to my equipment fund for the hike.  I promise to pay it forward.  There is a PayPal donation button in the top right corner, but I realize people using phone may not see that so I am repeating the button below.

Contribute to Equipment for the Trail Hike or for the Note Cards:


  1. If anyone has thoughts on why I suddenly lost so many followers, I'd like you to share either here on on Facebook... , Thanks.

    1. Thanks for confirming I'm not losing my marbles, Charlene. I noticed the same thing a few days ago. It looks like it's right in the range of 20% of the followers just - vanish. I don't think it has anything to do with Live Writer. I have tried it, didn't like and and don't use it. I compose in Open Office (before that - Word) and just paste it in my blog. I think it's Blogger or Google messing with our efforts and heads. Now that and klbexplores and you have both confirmed this oddity, I'm either not alone or, at least, not completely crazy, I think I'll contact them and find out what's up.

    2. I just checked Glenn Morrissette's follower count and I believe he was a little over 900 the last time I looked and as of right now, it appears he's at about 742. So, this seems to be Blogger wide.

  2. I am a new follower and blogger, I arrived in the last month. I just checked my followers and see that it has gone down as well. I don't use live writer but my blog is hosted by blogger. Is a Blogger problem or maybe google I have no idea... I'm not sure of the reason at all.

    1. So did your number of followers go down too????
      I was so happy to finally have mine over 200.

  3. Glad to see your post. I am not a subscribed follower but I have read every entry. Just want you to know what an inspiration you are. WE lead very different lives but I think of you when facing challenges. I work a tech sales job in the SF bay area and at 52 years old I always worry about being replaced. My goal is for my Hubby and I to some day be homeless and hit the road!. This week I fell and broke my arm. I wanted to sit back and cry and not go to work but I thought what would Swankie Wheels do. She would head out and keep moving. It is Thursday and I am feeling good about finishing the week strong. Hope that you know how inspirational you are. Keep paddling the waterways and always keep blogging. Your biggest fan!

    1. Wow. You leave me speechless. Yes, I hit the road once with my arm in a sling, after shoulder surgery. When things slow me down, or get in my way, I feel like a caged animal. And just have to bust loose. I thinking "to some day be homeless" is a very good goal. I have no regrets. Happy Trails... and thanks for following along. It's good to hear once in awhile.

  4. Here's a post with some theories from another blogger who is experiencing this as well.


Who is Swankie?

My photo
Anywhere, USA, Full-Time USA traveler, United States
In 2006, I was shopping for a wheelchair. By 2007, I had new knees, better health and by 2008 a kayak. In Aug 2013, I kayaked my 49th state, Alaska, at the Holgate Glacier and in May 2014, I kayaked Hawaii, my 50th state, to celebrate my 70th Birthday and the finale to the wonderful adventure of Kayaking America. Next up... Re-kayaking southwestern states.
