Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Family Medical Issues

I don’t want to post details of what is going on except to say I just made an emergency trip from Paso Robles, CA to Seattle, WA due to serious medical issues of family members.  I didn’t feel I could cope with the problems from 1,000 miles away.  I literally spent my last dime to get here and have been stranded without gas money since.  But people are pitching in to help me.  Thank all of you who have donated (there is a donate button in the upper right corner of this site).

I continue to be amazed and humbled by the generosity of my online tribal family. For those of you who only follow me here, I write this blog post, but I have posted some details on the Facebook group: Vandwellers & Vehicle Dwellers Lifestyle Help & Share Group if you are a member there.  I also update more frequently on Swankie Wheels Facebook page, though I don’t feel right about posting health issues of my family members.  The medical issues are heart for one of them, and hip and infected vein for another.

Now that I have landed and settled a bit, arranging for my mail to catch up with me, crashing after the long hard drive up here, and dealing with the depression of not taking time to load my bike or Kayak before hitting the road… I am getting back to my normal activities.  I owe a couple of people sketches that are overdue and one painting.  I am trying to stay on track with my goals, training for the AZ Trail next year and am now biking (stationary) 8 miles and walking (treadmill) 3 miles.  I push it a little farther each week.  But it is difficult, I am so concerned about the people I love.

Please hang in there with me.  Thank you for your understanding and patience.


  1. I have decided it is not good for me to stay in Seattle. I am not training like I should and there is really nothing I can do here to help. Traffic is making me nuts and pollution is getting the best of me. Today I messed up my van. Weather is so comfortable, I am getting lazy. Need to stay in desert climate to help prepare for long desert hike. I will be heading back to CA in a day or two.

    1. This was a good plan but on 7/18 I messed up my van on a post in a parking lot. It goes in the shop on 8/4 for repairs which may take two weeks. Then I head back to CA. What a mess. Staying with good friends.

  2. Praying you're trip back down here goes well! :)

    1. Thank you. http://swankiewheels.blogspot.com/2014/08/my-remarkable-sonrichard-s-bailey.html


Who is Swankie?

My photo
Anywhere, USA, Full-Time USA traveler, United States
In 2006, I was shopping for a wheelchair. By 2007, I had new knees, better health and by 2008 a kayak. In Aug 2013, I kayaked my 49th state, Alaska, at the Holgate Glacier and in May 2014, I kayaked Hawaii, my 50th state, to celebrate my 70th Birthday and the finale to the wonderful adventure of Kayaking America. Next up... Re-kayaking southwestern states.
