I still don’t understand what all that is about, but I venture on… in my own bliss. I seemed to lack the drive to get to Quartzsite and spend time at the Rock club, and I don’t know what that’s all about either, but have decided not to fight it. Maybe I need to just take a season off.
Joined up with the pre-RTR gang and hung out with them a couple weeks more or less. During that time, I rented a storage unit and emptied most of the contents of my trailer in to it… so that I could build shelves inside the trailer. Found that I have 12 Rubbermaid tubs of genealogy. Ugh! This had got to stop. So between needing to downsize my rock collection and needing even more to downsize my 40 years + of genealogy research… I just can’t seem to find the interest to do anything else.
Here is what the inside of the front of my trailer looked like to start with:
Turns out my trailer was not insulated and I bought it before I knew I was going to go on the road full-time. So, I’m stuck with that. Had I more money and time, I would have gutted it and done it right, but alas… I have to work with what I have. The paneling was the thin luan stuff so I have to put in new walls over it… to hold the shelves and anything else I might want to affix to the walls. That desk was my best $10 ever spent… the shelves will be built around it.
I planned and sketched out what I wanted, began measuring, cut all the pieces outside of the trailer, and then painted all the pieces. I don’t like raw plywood, and need to keep dust down and keep the wood cleaner. Below are the walls in place and painted.
The unpainted square above the desk is where the nose of the kayak has to fit… so shelves have to be built around that area.
I don’t know why they look lopsided… they aren’t really. Now I need to find some storage drawers that will fit the spaces.
It’s a work in progress. Beginning to find places for everything so that I have put everything in it’s place. My hopes are to NOT load the genealogy and rocks back into the trailer. Cross your fingers for me, or pray or whatever you do.
Got the chance to go kayak the Bill Williams River National Wildlife Refuge. It was wonderful to get out on the water again.
Gary’s kayak on the left and mine on the right.. we had a snack.
This is a Clark’s Grebe I think. I had never seen one before. There wasn’t as much wildlife there as I expected.
It was, however, a really beautiful day for a 5 mile paddle.
And for the past two days it has been raining. I have gotten a lot of genealogy data loaded up to Ancestry, tossed a lot of paper away, and have started a stack of things to be scanned. Today the sun came back out so I was just enjoying the Arizona sunshine while shelling a batch of Alabama pecans given to me by a fellow vandweller. Now, what to make with them.
Now, would someone please tell me why I am getting depressed???
Charlene, are you still in Q? After everyone moved I saw your rig a couple of places around town but you weren't there. I wanted to take you to breakfast or lunch. Saw Bob yesterday, hope to see you at the Christmas dinner. If you would like to go to breakfast or lunch and let me make you laugh PM me,owl, at cheaprvliving.
ReplyDeletePlease take care, looking forward to aseeing you.
Sorry we never had a chance for the breakfast or lunch. Maybe next winter? And please ask your wife to come along. It was fun meeting you and that crazy Kate dog. Happy Trails.