Saturday, September 26, 2015

Manners for being a Vandweller (Training weeks 10 and 11)


The above photo was shared by a Facebook friend of mine and is from Healing Light Facebook page.

I am deviating from the standard layout of my Training program for two reasons: 

1) the phase of using swimming is over and I am moving on to the next phase – hiking/using legs, carrying weight.  Sept. 22 I swam 1 mile in 1hr and 11 minutes, whereas I began on Aug. 23 I began swimming and swam 1/4 mile in 30 min.  Good improvement.  And I have lost 2 pounds a week since beginning to work out again, August 18, 2015.

2) a recent effort to help another backfired on me and I began thinking a lot about taking care of myself first.  Then I saw this list… and realized it ties in well with a thought I had last year about doing a blog on Camp/Vandweller Manners.

The past two weeks have been hard on me.  I usually update my blog on Saturday, but Saturday, September 19, I forgot because I was upset by behavior of someone I had been hosting all week, and depressed and physically ill from it.  I left that person to their own devices about midday on Friday 18th and went on my way.  I put some distance between us… then slept til noon the next day.  I never do that.  When I woke, I learned this person was slamming me all over the internet and telling all kinds of lies about me.  The way my body responds to stress is my gut shuts down.  I stop eating right, my gut stops working right, and I get fecal impaction.  Excuse me for being crude here, but then once I relax again, I begin to poop and poop and poop.  I had felt I was gaining weight, but I was not, I was just not eliminating waste.  That, in itself, can make a person very sick.  Some folks get headaches from stress (and I do that sometimes), but if the stress is subconscious, my gut reacts first, before my mind even knows something is amiss.

It was several more days more before I remembered I forgot to post on my blog. So, I am going to turn the above list of twelve into rules for Good Vandwelling Manners.  I will do this by relating my recent experience in trying to help someone else, as well as some past experiences since becoming a vandweller over six years ago.

1. If it feels wrong, don’t do it.

It’s all about listening to the wee small voice inside.  I ignored it.  It kept saying, there is some reason this person  you want to help and host is always in a jam, always loosing jobs, etc.  But, some folks are very good at getting you to take pity on them.  And I did… the whole while saying “give them the benefit of the doubt.”  NO, don’t do that!  Give them some free suggestions, direct them to other resources and let it go at that.  Listen to your wee small voice inside.  Give them the benefit of your experience, not your limited income.  That would also apply to letting people advance you money… I’ve been doing that, and I must stop… the wee small voice is saying so.  Trying to catch up from borrowing money is difficult on a fixed income of less than $1,000 a month. 

2. Say exactly what you mean.

When I invited this person to join up with me, I said “We can pool our resources, I can heat water for you, and warm food up for you on my stove, since you don’t have a way to cook.  I will share what food I have with you, you won’t go hungry.  You will have the safety of parking near me and then follow me to Quartzsite when the time comes.  You will learn so much in Quartzsite”

Such an offer should not mean your host is going to cook all the meals, use their own water to heat for your morning coffee, provide you with dishes and silverware.  As a vandweller, you should have all those things.  If someone offers to heat you water, don’t bring them an empty coffee cup.  Bring them a cup of water to heat for you.  If you have food, prepare it for cooking and ask them to heat it up.  If they do so, offer to do the dishes and take the pot and clean it after. Be grateful they are willing to use their fuel to help you.  Don’t give them back dirty dishes to clean.

Providing a guest with water and preparing and cooking all their meals for a week, might not be a big deal in sticks and bricks, but in a van, it is a big deal.  In my particular instance, they provided a can of chicken, a can of green beans and a little cooking oil, and a little garlic salt – for a week???  I provided everything else, and the day they got money so they could pay me back, they got so rude and aggressive, I had to leave.  That was just an hour or so after I bought $40 worth of groceries for them because they said their payday was not for five more days.  Turned out it was that very day and they gave no thought at all to paying me back, but went straight for the wine store.

Yes, I was tense all week because I was only offering to heat water (theirs) and heat food (theirs) or share what I had, not go out and buy more stuff, granola bars, pet food, etc., when I was flat broke myself.  (BTW… they have $400 a month more to live off of then I do.)  And I drive a gas hog, while they have a high mileage vehicle.  And I drove a lot of extra miles that week to help them.

So, I should have straight out handed the empty coffee cup back and said, but you need to give me the water to heat, your cup is empty???

3. Don’t be a people pleaser.

It’s my natural inclination to do that, WANT to please people.  I guess it is old garbage, always trying to please my mother and get her approval and never succeeding at either.  Don’t take advantage of that trait in others. Resist your urge to give into that trait in yourself.  Generally, it never pays off.

4. Trust your instincts.

This really goes back to what I’ve already said.  If you get a bad vibe about a person or place where you find yourself… move.  I know I should never camp near someone who has pets… I generally get sick if I do.  I can’t risk that and I can assure you, that person with the pets is NOT going to come take care of you if you do get sick.  There are people like me with extreme allergies, there are others who have severe chemical sensitivities.  My allergies are not news and not the first time I have blogged about it.  We can not help others understand our needs, so we must put our own needs first.  Stay out of situations you should not be in.  For instance, I know that I should not attend a large gathering of vandwellers in the desert… too many things that can make me sick, all kinds of smoke in the air, dust being kicked up by dozens of feet (human and animal), no control of where loose pets are going or whose stuff they are peeing on, or whose food there are stealing, etc.  It has taking me years to wrap my mind around the fact that being with that large a group of “like-minded people” is unhealthy for me.  I am learning to trust my instincts about that… and it makes me sad.  But, it is what it is.

5. Never speak bad about yourself.

In this situation, where I hosted this person, I commented one day, that cooking for two people was not good for me, and that it was causing me to gain weight as I was eating too much.  Believe it or not, that got turned around to being put on that person’s facebook page, that I said this person was eating too much????  Maybe there is a hearing problem involved here???  But I would never tell a guest of mine that they were eating too much.  If you believe such a thing was said by your host and they offended you, ask for clarification, or at the very least have the grace not to comment about it on social media in a effort to make them look bad. 

6. Never give up on your dreams.

Hosting another person during a time when I am trying to get control of my fitness and train for a major life event, an 820-mile solo hike through deserts and mountains, does not work.  All my time and energy has to go to training and reaching my goals.  By trying to help someone else at this time, I was derailing my own dreams.  Don’t do that! They don’t care about your dreams.  If you have to compromise your own needs and principles in order to host someone else, think twice.

7. Don’t be afraid to say “No.”

I should never have offered to help someone else when I myself was broke.  I should have said NO.

8 . Don’t be afraid to say “Yes.”

I should have said, “Yes, Swankie, you are right, it’s o.k. to say NO!”

9. Be KIND to yourself.

The kindest thing I did for myself the past two weeks, was to walk away from my guest.  Take care of yourself first, as no one else is going to do it.

10. Let go of what you can’t control.

I observed my guest driving in ways that were dangerous not only to themselves, but to me and to others on the road.  I was also aware that this person might be driving without auto insurance. When I finally shouted out in fear and exasperation that leaving their car parked in the middle of a driveway blocking others, and in a turn where others may not see them, I was accused of screaming like a banshee… (and I have four sisters who can tell you none of us are the quiet types, we have big booming voices and know how to use them).  In all the years I’ve been on the road, and all the people I have met, NO ONE has ever heard me scream.  If you have, please remind me of the event in the comments.  Thank you.

My only concern was the safety of my guest and to prevent their car from being rear-ended.  Then the real screaming began…. and it wasn’t me doing it.  There were a lot of people on the other side of the street seeing and hearing all this and I am way to shy to draw that kind attention to myself.  And it would spoil my “stealthiness” to behave so.  If you are the guest of someone else, in their home/camp, etc., you need to listen to and respect their wishes about the proper way to act there, even if you don’t agree with them.  Never scream at your hosts for being concerned about your safety.  I realized that very moment I could not change or help this person, and I gave them their food, forgetting a half bottle of cooking oil, and drove away.  They were still screaming.  I am writing off the $ they owned me as the cost of a lesson well learned.  I have made the choice to live on the road this way… others may not have had a choice for various reasons, some of which could be mental health issues.  So be it.  I didn’t cause it and I can’t fix it. (I.E. not my monkey.)

11. Stay away from drama and negativity.

Unfortunately, being a host to someone else is not something I am good at, and I won’t be doing it again.  And attending large gatherings is also something that is not good for me either.  I guess I am meant to be a hermit and maybe that is the only way to avoid drama and negativity.  All I really know is being alone in the desert is the first time in my life I have known true peace.  So don’t take your drama and negativity to someone else’s camp and spoil their peace, especially my camp.

12. LOVE

Some times the best way to love others is to walk away from them.  I am doing that for my family.  I am not allowed to love them like I want to, so it is best for them and me to walk away, regardless of the pain I feel my doing so.  I am not allowed to participate in large desert gatherings the way I would like to, sharing my knowledge and experiences in a safe, appreciative and healthy environment for me… I have to wear a mask and keep moving away from loose animals that risk  my health and damage my possessions by peeing on my things.  That’s no fun for me.  I believe in the basic ideas of such gatherings and so I am letting go with Love.  I am walking away.

Well, there, I’ve vented.  I probably sound  like an in-coherent nut, but it’s my blog and I can sounds nuts if I want to. 


In order to protect my health I am adopting and modifying RV Sue Privacy Policy at her camps.

Sue's:  No Visitors, No Photos, No Exceptions. Thank you.

New rules for SwankieLand:

“Please, No dogs or cats, No unexpected visitors, No smoke of any kind, No Exceptions. Thank you.”

If you want to visit with me, I will come to your camp or meet you in town.  Please keep  your pets or service animals a good distance from me. Do not smoke anywhere near me.  If you wear colognes or perfumes, I can not visit you.  This is essential to my health due to severe allergies.  Please understand.


Also, I am creating a set of notecards of southwestern images to sell in order to raise money for equipment or to help pay back my friends.  Please have a look at what they may look like.  I hope to have them finished and ready to mail out by Thanksgiving.  You can reserve your set of note cards now by sending a PayPal donation of $25 to  Note Cards will be sent out before Dec. 1, 2015, or delivered to you are the Winter RTR Rendezvous, your choice.  Only these advance sale cards will have my original signature.  Card sets will be available online afterward this advance sale but will have printed signature.

Sample Southwest Notecards

Thank you for doing your usual Amazon shopping using my affiliate link.

Help me a little if you can by donating to my equipment fund for the hike.  I promise to pay it forward.  There is a PayPal donation button in the top right corner, but I realize people using phone may not see that so I am repeating the button below.

Contribute to Equipment for the Trail Hike or for the Note Cards:


Distractions, distractions...

Prevented me from doing my weekly update last weekend, but before this weekend is out, I hope to get you all caught up.  Let me say I am feeling better, my allergies are calming down, I am on track with my improved fitness and weight loss.

It's a beautiful day in Swankieville and what are you all up to????

Saturday, September 12, 2015

WEEK NINE–Dream of hiking the Arizona Trail. (Sept. 6–12, 2015)

Goal: Hike The Arizona Trail.  It is an 800+ mile recreation trail from Mexico to Utah that connects mountain ranges, canyons, deserts, forests, wilderness areas, historic sites, trail systems, points of interest, communities, and people.   (From:

 Anyone interested in hiking the first section of the trail with me??? 

Previous post.  

Still working on the sketches for my Southwest Note Cards.  Found some more photos to use as models for the rest of the cards, but my printer ink is almost gone so I didn’t get good printouts.  Need to get to a bigger town with bigger stores and buy more ink or find a place to print out the photos to look at while I draw.  Here they are:

These are not the sketches, only the photos of what I will be sketching.

Training Days  Fifty-six through sixty-two (9/6-12, 2015,  Sun.- Sat):

What have I accomplished in the four main components of preparing for this challenge?

1) Get fit, food wise.  Candy bar with nuts, sub sandwich, Sprit, two popsicles, and 20pc McNuggets.  Bad bad bad.  I can do better.

2) Get fit, fitness wise.   July 24th I swam 1/2 mile in an hour.  This week I swam 1 mile on three days, times 1h 23 min, 1h 20min and 1h 15min.  Getting better minute by minute.  One day I kayaked the lake, all the way around it.  Not sure how far that is but was on the water about 3 hrs., got legs a little bit sunburned.  Then I took a mile hike up to an old coal mining town site.  Kool.


Saw a great bald eagle, a big vulture, and a smaller bird, maybe a Grebe.


Day 56 (Sun).  I pretty much just rested.  Ate badly.

Day 57 (Mon).  Swam 1 mile in 1 hour and 23 minutes.  It was hard to breath.  Made me very hungry.

Day 58 (Tue).  Kayaked around the lake and then took a hike of coal-mining town.  Nice day.  Felt great.  Ate right.

Day 59 (Weds).  Swam 1 mile in 1 hour and 20 minutes.  Legs sore that night.

Day 60 (Thurs).  No excuses.  Did nothing.

Day 61 (Fri.).  Swam 1 mile in 1 hour and 15 min., breaking my record.  Legs are feeling slimmer but a little sore.  I like it.  Was bad the rest of the day.  20 pc Chicken nuggets, and a coke and a popsicle.

Day 62 (Sat).  A friend arrived in town last night and we drove up on the mountain to camp last night.  Air is so good.  I fixed breakfast for the two of us and ate before weighing in.  Ughhhhh.  Next week must be better in the way I eat.

Life is good but I am getting itchy feet.  Payday is 9/16 and last day at pool is 9/25… then I head to Arizona… slowly.

3) Learn how to ward off biting bugs.   SAME. There just are not many bugs here!!!  I’m keeping a notebook of ideas for future reference.  OK, I take that back, I saw misquotes trying to get in my van this morning.  They failed.

4) Get the equipment I need.  SAME.  Joined the Facebook Arizona Trail group and began asking about electronics and equipment.  Several people are making recommendations and posting lists.  I am going to ask for copies of their spreadsheets and begin adapting my list.  What equipment I do have is in Arizona, so I can’t begin weighing things until I get there.

Weight?   Last week: 224 pounds       This week:  228 pounds    Weekly Loss/Gain = +4.     Total Loss/Gain (since July 13) = -12 pounds.   Alright I messed up this week.  Weighed myself after eating breakfast and drinking coffee and with my clothes on… so this might not be real accurate. Keep in mind, loosing weight is only a by-product of getting fit, not the goal.  I CAN DO THIS, I think!!!!

Please click on the blue bar at the top to “Join this site” and follow me.  You will get a e-mail notice when there is a new blog post.  Thank you.


My eagle.


It is really lovely here but they tell winter is a bear with lots of wind and snow and black ice.  I won’t be in Raton, NM during the winter.

Also, I am creating a set of notecards of southwestern images to sell in order to raise money for equipment or to help pay back my friends.  Please have a look at what they may look like.  I hope to have them finished and ready to mail out by Thanksgiving.  You can reserve your set of note cards now by sending a PayPal donation of $25 to  Note Cards will be sent out before Dec. 1, 2015, or delivered to you are the Winter RTR Rendezvous, your choice.  Only these advance sale cards will have my original signature.  Card sets will be available online afterward this advance sale but will have printed signature.

Sample Southwest Notecards

Thank you for doing your usual Amazon shopping using my affiliate link.

Help me a little if you can by donating to my equipment fund for the hike.  I promise to pay it forward.  There is a PayPal donation button in the top right corner, but I realize people using phone may not see that so I am repeating the button below.

Contribute to Equipment for the Trail Hike or for the Note Cards:


Sunday, September 6, 2015

WEEK EIGHT–The DREAM won’t die. I WILL hike the Arizona Trail. (Aug. 30–Sept. 5, 2015)

MY MOTTO – It doesn’t get any better than this, until tomorrow!

Goal: Hike The Arizona Trail.  It is an 800+ mile recreation trail from Mexico to Utah that connects mountain ranges, canyons, deserts, forests, wilderness areas, historic sites, trail systems, points of interest, communities, and people.   (From:

My “second thoughts” are fading, and I realize while swimming almost 100 lengths of the pool and thinking of the hike almost the whole time, that it is a dream I should not let go of..  and I may skip the section by the Mexican Border and begin at the 2nd section.  OR, I may just get brave and do it anyway.  Anyone interested in hiking the first section of the trail with me??? 

Previous post.  


This week I began working on the sketches for my Southwest Note Cards.  Here are the first 3 sketches.  I may re-do the turtle one.



Training Days Forty-nine to Fifty-five (8/30-9/5, 2015,  Sun.- Sat):

What have I accomplished in the four main components of preparing for this challenge?

BETTER news. Being off the meds meant to help me deal with depression, has worked.  I am no longer depressed… I think!!!! 

1) Get fit, food wise.  I had ice cream once and it made me sick.  I had one soda.  This is getting easier but I still get huge sweet cravings.

2) Get fit, fitness wise.   July 24th I swam 1/2 mile in an hour.  This week I swam 1.5 miles in an hour and 40 min.  Great progress.

Day 49 (Sun).  I pretty much just rested.  In spite of planning to change this up… and do something on Sundays, walk or do a strength training routine, I lack the motivation.

Day 50 (Mon).   Woke with Plantar Fasciitis again… so will just chill and stretch.

Day 51 (Tue).  The Plantar Fasciitis is still bad, but I swam anyway.  Swimming made it better.  Broke my record and swam 1.25 miles in 1 hr and 30 min.  Last Weds I swam only 1 mile in the same amount of time.  Got real hungry.  Ate Ice Cream.  My bad.

Day 52 (Weds).  Have the runs from eating the ice cream… moved to a sunny spot and just did genealogy all the live long day.

Day 53 (Thurs).  Overslept today in spite of my determination and so did more genealogy.

Day 54 (Fri.).  Found the motivation and swam 1.5 miles in 1 hour and 40 min., breaking my record.  It has been decades since I swam that distance.  No pain, no cramps.  Legs are feeling slimmer.  I like it. 

Day 55 (Sat).  Drove out to one of my best boondocking spots, outside the gate to Ted Turner’s ranch/park.  Began working on the notecard sketches.

Life is good.  I am getting itchy feet though.  Payday is 9/16 and last day at pool is 9/25… then I head to Arizona… slowly.

3) Learn how to ward off biting bugs.   SAME. There just are not many bugs here!!!  I’m keeping a notebook of ideas for future reference.

4) Get the equipment I need.  Joined the Facebook Arizona Trail group and began asking about electronics and equipment.  Several people are making recommendations and posting lists.  I am going to ask for copies of their spreadsheets and begin adapting my list.  What equipment I do have is in Arizona, so I can’t begin weighing things until I get there.

Weight?   Last week: 227 pounds       This week:  224 pounds    Weekly Loss/Gain = -3.     Total Loss/Gain (since July 13) = -16 pounds.   Keep in mind, loosing weight is only a by-product of getting fit, not the goal.  I am one pound less than I planned to be by this weekend… so I am on track.  I CAN DO THIS!!!!

Please click on the blue bar at the top to “Join this site” and follow me.  You will get a e-mail notice when there is a new blog post.  Thank you.


While camped up on the mountain, I spotted this little guy.


Also, I am creating a set of notecards of southwestern images to sell in order to raise money for equipment or to help pay back my friends.  Please have a look at what they may look like.  I hope to have them finished and ready to mail out by Thanksgiving.  You can reserve your set of note cards now by sending a PayPal donation of $25 to  Note Cards will be sent out before Dec. 1, 2015, or delivered to you are the Winter RTR Rendezvous, your choice.  Only these advance sale cards will have my original signature.  Card sets will be available online afterward this advance sale but will have printed signature.

Sample Southwest Notecards

Thank you for doing your usual Amazon shopping using my affiliate link.

Help me a little if you can by donating to my equipment fund for the hike.  I promise to pay it forward.  There is a PayPal donation button in the top right corner, but I realize people using phone may not see that so I am repeating the button below.

Contribute to Equipment for the Trail Hike or for the Note Cards:


Who is Swankie?

My photo
Anywhere, USA, Full-Time USA traveler, United States
In 2006, I was shopping for a wheelchair. By 2007, I had new knees, better health and by 2008 a kayak. In Aug 2013, I kayaked my 49th state, Alaska, at the Holgate Glacier and in May 2014, I kayaked Hawaii, my 50th state, to celebrate my 70th Birthday and the finale to the wonderful adventure of Kayaking America. Next up... Re-kayaking southwestern states.
