After a very rough season of Camp hosting, I am having some much deserved down time, all to myself. Time to enjoy nature, and find my wits again. The last month on the job, I suffered a severe case of RAD (never even heard it before – Reactive Airway Disease). I knew I had COPD, but none of the normal cures were helping me. I could not stop coughing. The last six days on the job, I finally found a cure. Fell and cracked 3 ribs… let me tell you, you WILL stop coughing. And Lordy, I think it hurts worse than having a baby… sure takes longer for the pain to stop. LOL
So, it’s off to enjoy some wide open spaces, and I am loving every mile.
I have friends and family in Colorado Springs… so I am SLOWLY heading that way. Brother, and sister-in-law, nephew, great niece and great nephew, good friend from “vandwellers” tribe, and who else????
And on the way, this….
Swankie’s wits… where are you?????