After several months helping a friend on the California Coast, I have returned to the desert.
My natural bio-clock says wake with the sun, live a full productive day, and retire with the sun. That's been out of whack since December visiting my friend, but I am slowly returning to my natural rhythm. Doing otherwise will make you ill and drive you mad. We all should have been taught to take better care of ourselves than that.
I wasn't taught to take care of myself. Only my grandmother had any sense about this... she would say things like... we should not eat any white foods, white flour, and especially white sugar. I'm learning how right she was about that. She had a lot of wisdom about such things but tried not to interfere in my Mom raising us. Too bad. I wish I could go back and pick her brain now.
Anyway, I'm on my way from CA to Vegas to see my brother and from there to Arizona where I will finish prepping to hike the 800-mile long AZ Trail. Due to my lung situation, doctors are not permitting me to return to working in campfire/forest fire environments, so I can now pursue other "bucket list" items. LOL
It was still 67% humidity in the van yesterday... but today it is only 40%. Believe I will just curl
up and watch some more t.v. I have cleaned my strawberries, had a
good salad, washed my hair and had a bath... all is well
and my brain is feeling happy. Freedom is a wonderful thing.
The best pizza in the world didn't hurt any either. On my way through Paso Robles where I had stayed a few months in the past, I stopped at the Pizza Planet. "Mo" is the owner. He began making pizza with his father when he was 14 years old. He clearly loves what he does.
The best pizza in the world didn't hurt any either. On my way through Paso Robles where I had stayed a few months in the past, I stopped at the Pizza Planet. "Mo" is the owner. He began making pizza with his father when he was 14 years old. He clearly loves what he does.
Gourmet Shrimp Lover's Pizza

So, if every you are near Paso Robles, CA, make sure to stop and see Mo at Pizza Planet, 717 6th Street, Across from the Post Office. You won't regret it. Tell him the crazy kayaking lady sent you.
Last night was my first night sleeping back in the desert. Took a walk, enjoyed lots of blooming desert flowers and found a perfectly good skillet. Wind is warm and blowing. I would like to be farther into the boondocks, but am not yet far enough off the beaten trail. Maybe tomorrow I will get me some wilderness (ha ha). Sleeping last night was comfortable, even close to divine... and there were the stars... lots of stars.
Very windy now, so I am not driving. Dry warm air is nice. I got a couple of t.v. channels last night, then I watched some of my new Beauty and Beast DVDs. Much enjoying my rest and peace.
I only get pleasure from giving, not from receiving... and if I can't make another happy with my presence and efforts, then there is no reason for me to be around them. I make myself smile each day by being in nature and enjoying God's works in person... you don't have to be a church-goer to know good works.
The journey continues, back into my SwankieLife.