Sunday, January 29, 2012

Thinking about HoosierLand.

I was born in Florida but moved to Indianapolis when I was just a few months old.  Grew up there, Grade Schools, High School, Colleges.  So many people from my past and I’m missing them.  Lots coming up this year in Indianapolis and many people want me to return for special events.  That’s Danny I’m sitting on.  I’ve recently been in touch with his daughter Dana… he and his three brothers are all still in Indianapolis.  His mom and my mom were best friends.  I’ve seen photos… they have grown to be real hulks.  Sure miss Dolly and Harry.
Yes, I’ve always been a tomboy.
I also have three strapping nephews in the Indianapolis area, two in building construction trades and one a manager at a Manards store.  We all had a great time visiting last fall.  Paul and I took an all day motorcycle ride to visit one of his other brothers, Rob. 
Rob and I had such a great time visiting that I had to return to visit more with him and his family.  It rained and he had to pull my van and the trailer out when it was time to leave, with this big farm tractor. 
Then I got to visit with Kris and his hulking tall teen son and Kris’ wife and daughter too.  Daughter was fascinated with my artistic talents and so I spent time with her teaching her a little about how to sketch.  I hadn’t spent any time with these fine men since they were mere boys.  It was neat to me how the family values are passed on down the line.  They didn’t want me to leave.  Even one of the dogs who never made up to me, seemed to be sad when I drove off.
One of the boys(?) and his wife are renewing there marital vows in September and want me to return to Indianapolis for that even.  If I ever ran into trouble in a dark alley, I’d want these boys standing beside me.  It’s nice to have them so concerned about me that they are following my adventures.
Then there is the high school gang… Arsenal Technical High School, class of 1962 (never said I was young).  We are having our 50 Reunion in June 2012.  
Third white gown is me.
Our class was over 570 students… 1/4 of whom are sadly deceased now.  I have been working on locationg all class members for the past five years.  It would be great to see everyone still living, especially all the handsome lettermen from the football and basketball teams (one was my first real crush). 
In my travels, I’ve been able to meet a number of them and we have had great visits.
And I have either corresponded or become Facebook friends with even more of my classmates.
Indianapolis is going to be a popping busy place this year.  The SuperBowl is being held there next month,  Feb.5, 2012.  Major improvements have been make to our High School campus which will house the visiting team for practice.  The whole town has had a major facelift this last couple years in preparation.  A new facility has been built on our 76-acre campus… that will be exciting to see.  Just checked the events for SuperBowl 56… and Indy must be popping this week, even more so than for an Indy 500.  It will be a grand year for Indy.
In August, there will be a reunion for all classes from the 1960s and also the year 1970… in celebration of the 100th year of the school.  I’m very excited about that event… as more is planned than for our 50th Class reunion in June.  Our class was the 49th class to graduate from the school.  Many of my relatives graduated in earlier classes.
So September will be the starting of the 50th class of the school… and many many big activities are planned on and off campus. 
I could go on and on… and it is still up in the air if I will get to attend these events.  There are so many friends and relatives there who have been following my adventures and escapades these past few years who are begging me to come “Back Home Again in Indiana.”  Just saying (and thinking).
( I say I hate Indiana until I write about it… then I get all choked up.  Time to visit?)


  1. OMG, I found your link through "The Good Luck Duck" and I'm a Hoosier gal too. I was born and raised in Indianapolis, but moved to New Mexico in 1996. I taught in IPS and am retiring this year from Las Cruces Public Schools. I discovered a singles RV group (WIN's or Wandering Individuals Network) that are avid kayakers. I spend my summers with them, but maybe more when I retire. Sometimes I get nostalgic for Indy, but the weather does suck. ;-) Safe travels...

  2. I'm also a native Hoosier, although I grew up in hog-and-corn country about 90 miles NW of Indy. My grandparents and father lived in Irvington, though, so there were trips to the city from time to time. I will never go back there to live, after my 3rd tornado I said I was done with them and I meant it. does grow on one. There were only 20 of us in our school class, all 12 years together (no Kgn in those days)and it makes a hard-to-break bond. We're all still alive but 3, and still a "tight" group, considering it's been over 50 years ago we got out of school. Most still live right there in Carroll County, and I do make the trip every once in a while; it's magic now: to see the seas of wheat waving in the breeze, smell and hear the cornfields, driving by the places that look just like they did when I left, good friends and good food...and all those memories. We were once described by one of our teachers as the "livliest class I've ever seen" (Weren't folks polite then? Amazing. We were brats, plain and simple.)so we have plenty of episodes to relive....

    Yep, I think ya oughta go. :) If you're there at the same time I am maybe we can meet up somewhere.

  3. Cheryl and SJ, thanks for your comments. SJ, yes it would be fun to meet. Go Hoosiers. Wouldn't it be a hoot to be in town for the Super Bowl next week.

  4. I'll keep an eye on your blog around the time I'm getting ready to go; if you're near Indiana then I'll give you a holler.

  5. Well, its a chinch then, we Hoosier gals rule. CJ... so happy you are enjoying the read. I just write from my heart, which should be obvious since it's plain to see the brain is sometimes not engaged. It is encouraging to me to know that you all are reading my blog and getting some good out of it. Nice. (and CJ I forgive you for going to NoCentral.)


Who is Swankie?

My photo
Anywhere, USA, Full-Time USA traveler, United States
In 2006, I was shopping for a wheelchair. By 2007, I had new knees, better health and by 2008 a kayak. In Aug 2013, I kayaked my 49th state, Alaska, at the Holgate Glacier and in May 2014, I kayaked Hawaii, my 50th state, to celebrate my 70th Birthday and the finale to the wonderful adventure of Kayaking America. Next up... Re-kayaking southwestern states.
