I finally made it to Alaska on 8/19 and kayaked there on 8/20. By 8/21 I was getting sick and on 8/22 I headed straight back to WA state so I could sleep in my own bed. It was a dream come true and an awesome paddle... which I will write up soon.... when I am feeling better. Here are a couple photos to hold you over.
Me in the rear, in front of the Holgate Glacier.
I promise to write a full blog soon.
4/8/2013 - 12 p.m.: "Eyes" don't have it! - I didn't make it. It's hard to admit your limitations or to "give up." But, my eyes didn't work good enough to insure that I would be a safe driver. They are 20-30, but I can't make out things like railroad crossings, caution yellow signs, etc. from 1/4 - 1/2 mile away. I was also experiencing extreme stress as they would not transfer me to Anchorage, where I could camp at my sisters and remain in the fresh air (for my COPD). I'd have been forced to live in a hotel and prevented from even sleeping in my camper van at night. It would only take a week or two of that before I'd end up in a hospital. I had increased my meds to deal with all the additional stress and was not seeing how any of this was going to be fun for me. As coincidence would have it, they sprung a random drug test on me the day I was going to tell them I was dropping out, so they probably thought I was quiting to avoid the drug test. Not true at all. The meds I'm on wouldn't even concern a Christian Scientist.
But I don't care what they think. I've reclaimed my freedom and my health. Yesterday I even forgot to take any meds at all and am going to try to get off all of them, altogether. Stress doesn't need to be part of my life.
A few people have donated funds so that I could catch the ferry in order to report for the job in Alaska. Since the job is now out of the picture, I would gladly refund anyone who wants a refund. Just let me know.
I am, however, still going to Alaska this year. I'll continue to do sketches for money. I am putting together a set of notecards with flora or fauna of the Southwest that I hope will bring in some funds. And I'm going back to boondocking which will allow me to save more money by getting away from stores, fast food, etc. Will be spending more time in fewer places. This is what I consider being true to my own best self (besides hindsight it always 20-20 or better).

I'm going to give a full accounting of what this experience cost me, and my opinion of this job opportunity so others who might be interested will be better informed that I was.
Funds raised to date:
Earlier Donations $380.00
Donations for above Sketch $100.00
Other Pay Pal donations $110.00
Some of that has been used for food, gas, supplies and items needed for work, uniforms, shoes, belt, etc.
Uniform/Work Clothing, Etc. (all items I would not have bought except for the job)
Belt $ 16.00
Dress shirts (5) $ 28.00 (Goodwill)
Undershirts (5) $ 21.00 (Goodwill)
Dress slacks(2) $ 4.00 (Thrift Store)
Hangers $ 2.49
Dress shoes $ 67.00
Dress socks (4pr) $ 16.50
3p reading glasses $ 18.30
TOTAL $173.29 (boy, that's a couple tanks of gas, almost)
Gas while in Phoenix (will add later - had to commute from motorcoach lot to Luke AFB a couple times a week)
to be added...
Food/Groceries (greater than normal, because I could not use my solar oven)
to be added...
Fast Food (greater than normal - not available when boondocking)
to be added....
Mind you, I'm not saying this job is a bad deal for everyone. I no longer had dress clothes like the above, some of you may have such. And if you like talking to lots of people and that doesn't distract your concentration on driving, might be a great thing for you. This, I realized, was not a new cause/effect situation... looking back on my life, I know it has happened a lot - not such a big deal and little car, but is in a 40 ft+ bus. I like being alone... and that was a basic lie I was telling my self from the beginning, that I could handle the distractions of people talking to me. I couldn't even handle ONE trainer talking to me without making mistakes.
And Fresh Air: You might have absolutely no problems with living inside, in a hotel, or whatever. You might not have COPD. If you like living out of a suitcase for five months, this could be a great thing for you. Had I not been firm from the get-go, in wanting to have my HOME with me, so when the season was over, I could see a little of Alaska and enjoy the drive back on the AlCan Highway - a lifelong dream... then it wouldn't have upset me so much to be told... I could not sleep in my van in Juneau. That was kinda a last straw for me.
Here's the up side of the job... it you can live inside and manage with flying up there and living out of a suitcase: 1) they will pay your round trip air fare from Seattle. 2) you can participate in relocating the coaches from the four cities where training takes place. You have a co-driver, get the experience of driving the extra miles before reporting to work, you get paid for driving. You travel in a convoy with your trainers and returning drivers, and other new drivers. You all stay in hotels during the relocation, you pay for that but get a discount. 3) you get a good driver bonus at the end of your contract 4) you get a good break on the housing at your work city 5) you get to go on all their tours free and they encourage that so you will know about all the tours 6) if you return for a second season you get free or greatly discounted cruises anywhere they go. It's really a great deal, if you eyes are better than mine, you don't have COPD, and you can live out of a box smaller than the ones we live out of normally.
As for me... I've returned to the desert that I love.
It doesn't get any better than this, until tomorrow.
I'm just glad that you are doing what you should be doing...Living the best life for you! The great thing about it is, You tried it, although very different from the life you know...you tried it, some things aren't for everyone...Hell, a lot of people couldn't do what we do in our every day normal lives. Be proud, stand tall and most of all, smile! I'm happy you are still going to give a Alaska a go, but on your terms. Good job ma! Safe travels and much love always coming your way!
ReplyDeleteI see you, kiddo.
DeleteI am so sorry to hear about your vision issues interfering with your plans. I am sharing your pain as I have been diagnosed with macular puckers in one eye, which gives me 20/50 in that eye, "possibly" correctable with surgery, 100% guaranteed to develop a cataract following the iffy surgery. Still weighing the risks, but leaning towards no surgery. It is really obvious when I look at road signs. We are having continued cold here in Montana. I am supposed to be leaving soon for Wyoming, but the weather keeps delaying that as well. Kali continues to live up to her name, very energetic and is being difficult to train to not jump on people. One of these days she'll grow up. Keep us posted as to your whereabouts, I certainly enjoy your posts. Also, if you happen to catch any of those cactus blooms, I'd love to see photos. Lois & Kali
DeleteI never heard of "Macular puckers"... and cataracts are no fun. I hope you find a satisfactory solution.
ReplyDeleteI am not unhappy about the Alaska job... I think it was wrong for me on a number of counts, not just the vision limitation. Odd, isn't it??? I have had cataracts removed from both eyes, and lense implants im both eyes, to give me "distance" vision (better for kayaking you know). The DOT doctor gave me a clearance on the vision test with a 20/30 score... yet my vision was not good enough for the tour bus company... where I was expected to be able to make out everything I see 1/2 mile away (like railroad crossings, caution signs, etc.) AND while giving a tour speech. Well, never been very good at driving and talking at the same time... and that skill has not improved with age. Like I said, there were many reasons... like not being allowed to sleep in my van there, and was I crazy to think I wanted to be cooped up on a bus with re-circulated are with 40-50 old folk who would probably be wearing colones, perfumes, and many probably also saturated with cig/cigar smoke??? Who was I kidding??? I was just being greedy, wanting the extra income to make my AK trip more fun by being able to see more.
Still going to AK, it will just be a shorter trip and I won't have my van there. I'll fly in from Seattle and borrow my sister's car unless I can find a way to rent one without a credit card (I'm only had one debit card for years now). I now plan to camp on the Military Bases at FamCamps. I'll go on one or two kayaking tours (where they provide all the gear) and then spend a little time with my sister and fly back to Seattle. That's the cheapest way I can meet my goal of kayaking my 49th state this year. I've been posting my cactus blooms on these blog posts and also my Facebook page "Swankie Wheels". Hope you have seen them.
Would love to see Kali again... and let her jump all over me. That breed is like that. I've never seen one who did not love to maul people.
Well, the FamCamp in Seward is closed. I will fly to Alaska, my sister will pick me up in Anchorage, drive me to Seward where I will kayak, then we will drive to their property for a couple of days, fishing and panning for gold... then I will fly back to Washington state. Have to make it a short trip... it's all I can afford and I can barely afford that!
ReplyDeleteI came, I saw, I conquered. Very short trip as I got sick and just wanted to get back to my van and sleep in my own bed. I will complete this blog post as soon as I feel better. It was successful as I REACHED my goal of kayaking at least ONE spot in Alaska. I will go back again... with my van... one day.
ReplyDeleteCongrats charlene. Hope you are feeling better. You are an inspiration. Nora
ReplyDeleteThank you, Nora.