Sunday, November 13, 2011

Quartzsite, AZ–winter home 2011-12–Part Two


Quartzsite 2011

My camp at B-10 Campground in Quartzsite
(with GG’s grey van on his stop-over visit).


GG showing me his new catamaran kayak… under his bed.

Nov. 13, 2011 – I fled my camp this afternoon, after an increasing number of smokers moved into my area.  Last night, while sitting in my van working on the computer the smell of weed was so strong, I nearly got high. 


Smoker to the left of me (smoking?).

Today, I learned another smoker and drinker is moving in next to me tomorrow.  He was even registering drunk.  Staggering even.  And last night two more dogs moved in across from me… and they barked often at the little dog next to me. 


Smokers to the right of me (just ciggy smoke).

And Steve… the Lawn Mower Guy played his radio or CDs all night.  It was my kind of music, but I’m unaccustomed to listening to music after I fall asleep.  It woke me up about five times during the night.


Smoker in front of me.

The nights are getting very long… it’s dark by 6pm so I go to sleep… and by 11pm I’ve had all the sleep I want.  Then what???  There is nothing to do.  I can’t run lights.  I’m not much of a reader.  And then last night it rained the better part of the night and usually that makes me sleep like a log.  This morning the tent was wet (it was set up so I  had a place to put stuff while sorting through the trailer and downsizing more) and not for camping, but I’m tired of stuff getting wet… so today I dried it all out and loaded it back up.  I feel disgusted.


O.K. the dammed dog is as cute as can be.

So, I ran away from home.  Drove a short way outside of town to the west… and just went off road.  I don’t know if I’m in a BLM area or not but looked like people have been camping here.  I’m hoping to spend the night, let my lungs and nose clear up… and my brain quiet down.  Just the hour or so I’ve been out of town… has made me realize I cannot stay at B-10 or anyplace in town.  I need space.  I need peace and quiet at night.  I can’t even imagine what it will be like when the B-10 Campground fills up it’s 173 sites, with only a couple dozen filled now.


Another smoker next to the Lawn Mower Guy.
And in front of him will be more smokers (and drinkers) as of tomorrow.

The owner/managers are sweet as can be… but…..  free coffee daily and free donuts on Sat. a.m. is not enough to keep Swankie trapped. 

Here is what one online reviewer said about them:

this is the nicest place and very clean, We keep coming back year after year. The manager is super nice. Can"t wait to get back there. We really feel quite safe here and we have a great time. Try it you’ll like it as much as we do.

November 12, 2010 by cooky joiner in Choctaw, OK

I really do like those people, but it’s an untenable situation that’s just not going to work for me. I am considering putting an ad in the paper saying “senior would like night security work in exchange for 35’ parking spot”… you never know.  I want to keep my daytime hrs free for rock club activities… or else the whole point of coming here will be lost.


My first 4x4 outing with the rock club members,
and guess what, no one smoked.  Is that amazing or what?


The first rock I cut and polished in Quartzsite.


Second rock I cut and polished in Quartzsite.  This one I won as a slab of rock at my first Gem and Mineral Club Meeting.

Three more days until payday… and I will be gassing up and making a run to stock up on supplies and meds.  Then I’ll settle into the first two-week spot, unless they insist I pay for the whole month of November like I agreed.  Yes, they let me move in free because I didn’t have the money to pay up front… and I agree to pay them a full month on 11/16.  Very nice of them.  But I can’t stay.  If I have to pay for the month, I’ll use it as a place to store the trailer and take showers and do laundry and get free coffee and donuts… and that’s all.  I may not even be able to sleep there once I am surrounded by cig. smoke (and other kinds of smoke) and drunks!   Yuk, phooey.

So, I ran away from home… and when I got to the “wilderness” I could not hold an internet signal long enough to get my blog finished and uploaded.  But it was nice out there and quiet.


West of Quartzsite a couple miles.

So I drove back into town, put $10 of gas in the van at the Pilot Truck Stop ($3.39 gal), and drove out by the Courthouse… where there is this large tree – the Great Tree of Arizona.  I followed the trail and I wasn’t alone… I don’t know what these little quail are called, but they make this sweet chirping sound.  There is a lot to see around here… attractions.



So, finally came to the 1,050 year old tree, I guess… the trail ended there, but it looked like a green mesquite tree to me and not much different than others in the area.  Maybe I didn’t go far enough, but the trail ended???  Nope… searching on Google Images… this is the tree.


I am going to try to stay as close in to town as I can… so I can ride my bike… but that might not work out well either???  Oh, whoa is me!  Why can’t this be easy?


Maybe tomorrow will get better than this???!!!!   A vandweller I met in Deming NM said he may be heading this way.  That would mean it will get better.  I wish there was at least one other vandweller here… that I could find.

Who is Swankie?

My photo
Anywhere, USA, Full-Time USA traveler, United States
In 2006, I was shopping for a wheelchair. By 2007, I had new knees, better health and by 2008 a kayak. In Aug 2013, I kayaked my 49th state, Alaska, at the Holgate Glacier and in May 2014, I kayaked Hawaii, my 50th state, to celebrate my 70th Birthday and the finale to the wonderful adventure of Kayaking America. Next up... Re-kayaking southwestern states.
