Wednesday, July 28, 2010

10th and 11th State Paddles – South and North Dakota. Both on the same day (July 28, 2010). Yahoo!

7/28/10 - I just paddled across the Missouri River on Lake Oahe, at Mobridge, SD, near the Drive-IN theater where I put in early this morning.  This is just after I launched into the river.  I’m debating if I can paddle all the way over there.

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What a challenge.  Here’s the message I posted to the Vandweller’s Yahoo Group:


I'm so thrilled I could scream, but no one is here to hear me!!!!


God, this feels good. And I'm tired but happy. It was almost 4 miles.

Geez.... does it really get any better???


minnesota_ 004 I’m getting closer.

I started across the lake… and my shoulder was hurting a lot.  About halfway across my shoulder stopped hurting.


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I made it over there, can I get back to the van?  I’ve got to go back over to where that square thing is (a drive-in movie screen).  Getting closer and very tired.

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Back to van and loaded by 11am and it was hard to load the kayak… the stuff in Trailer has shifted.  I spent the day by the river and watched a lovely sunset.

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Below is a message I sent to Vandweller friend, Mike:


I just freaking paddled across the Missouri River.  Found prehistoric fossils on the shoreline over there.   I am stoked.

I managed to transfer some funds to my checking account.  So, now if my kinfolk down here have written and want see me, I'll head toward Aberdeen.  If I haven't heard from them yet, I'll head up along the river to ND and find another paddle spot... Will play it by ear... the maps aren't telling me anything. 

I freaking just paddled across the dammed river/lake.

And back again.

Got to be an easier way to load this dammed kayak.  Stuff has shifted way to much in the trailer.  If I can see my family, I'll try to dump some junk on them.  Maybe even some rocks (who said that?)

I paddled across the freaking river!!!!!!



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7/28/10 – After that paddle I drove north on 1804 and crossed the SD/ND border and stopped at the first place on the Lake.  The guy there, directed me to the boat launch one mile farther north… Langlier’s Bay on Lake Oahe… the same lake/river I just paddled this morning.  I needed a softer paddle and this spot was perfect.

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OH, this is so awesome.  I just spend the afternoon paddling ND.   Smooth water, sweet quiet, fossils, petrified wood, agates, etc. in the shallow waters.  Two states in one day!  It did get better.

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The water was so clear and calm that I just pulled myself along with one had while I watched for chert, and other goodies.  What a great way to end a wonderful day of paddling.  Can you believe that water?

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I had not heard from any relatives regarding a visit to Aberdeen, so I'm on my way north on 1804 to I-94 and MN.  See you all next time around.  I really like the spot I found in North Dakota as I found petrified wood, fossils, agates, etc. so I'll be back to Langlier’s Bay.  I love that spot.  No bugs.  Beautiful water.  Fossils, petrified wood.  Few people.  Great great great, but not if you want to go to town daily.  Fantastic boondocking.  I've made a connection here.   Lewis and Clark camped here way back when.... and there was an Indian encampment across the bay on the north.   I want to go over there next time and look for artifacts.  I really love this place.  Wait til you see my stuff.

The drive from there to Bismarck, ND is one of the most beautiful drives I have ever taken.  My EVER is really big.  I hardly have words to describe the beauty I saw – pheasants, hawks with small birds chasing them, a redtail hawk, dragon flies, etc.   I think it might have been “You would have had to have been there” kinda thing… so judge for yourself.


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When I got to Bismarck, ND tried to do the "bragging' rights" thingy... when I discovered my inverter had bit the dust.  Boy oh boy.  First I checked all connections... nothing.  Then I checked all the outlets from the inverter, nothing.   Oh, shoot.  Just when I'm trying to tighten my belt... this.  Then, then... I realized my laptop was really low on power... not even enough time to ask questions of the tribe.  So I emailed Mike really quick and shut it down.  Now, breakfast for $1.68 (large coke and mcmuffin thingy).... at Subway in Wal-Mart, plugged into their power and charging.

What to do??? Find a Frye's??   Buy a what????   I think I need a bigger inverter.  Mine is 1200 or 1500????   I don't know, it's a number... and it's in the van????

Don't I have a 12v plug-in thingy for the laptop???  Where is it?  Exhausted from the two-state paddle today (boy was it good)... I tore the van up looking for it... nothing like that to be found... and now stuff is all over the place.  Shoot... go to sleep.  And I spotted the most amazing moonscape I’ve every seen… a totally black sky with the moon large and low in the sky and bright ORANGE.  To the left of the moon was a storm front coming in from the West… and the edges of the clouds were lit up by the moon.  A small sliver of the moon was shaded but hardly noticeably so.  Awesome.

So... figure the thing out and get back on the road, but first a shower and do my laundry.   Got back to the van and checked the inverter again... and it is working????  These mysteries drive me nuts (or is that a short putt?)

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SD and ND are done so it’s on to MN.

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Who is Swankie?

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Anywhere, USA, Full-Time USA traveler, United States
In 2006, I was shopping for a wheelchair. By 2007, I had new knees, better health and by 2008 a kayak. In Aug 2013, I kayaked my 49th state, Alaska, at the Holgate Glacier and in May 2014, I kayaked Hawaii, my 50th state, to celebrate my 70th Birthday and the finale to the wonderful adventure of Kayaking America. Next up... Re-kayaking southwestern states.
