(from misc. notes)
Feb. 15, 2010 - Katie, Mar, and Michael were suppose to come but didn’t.
Tuesday, Feb 16, 2010 – Smog is very bad here and held down an inversion layer.
Sulpher dioxide form Ag. products contains sulpher plus oxygen = sulpher dioxide.
Camp began at the towers but due to pollution and my COPD we scouted out a new location away from the center of Slab activities.
At the towers, it was Sandy St. Louis, Steven Ballee, Bob Wells and me. Area by canal at very south edge of the Slabs had much better air quality, so we moved there.
Sandy joined us, but needed to stay in closer to town, so he didn’t stay long. I think Steve and Bob and I stayed there for weeks… just a’chillin’..
We found a lovely spot along the old canal. Several times we were warned by Border Patrol about drug runners, but the fellas were well prepared so I felt pretty safe.
Rainbow over my camp. For me, it seemed like a spiritual place.
Good memories.