Navigational Tabs

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Disappearing Blog??? What happened????

Got an email this morning saying my Blog was gone.  After wrestling with various logins and passwords, I think it is back up.  This is a test.  Let me hear from my followers.

I'm at the RTR with about 60 other vandwellers.  Had a nice "women's only" session yesterday.  Look out world... woman power.

Today, going to a concert in town by Oasis Bookstore Owner - Paul Winer.  Google that!!  (tee hee).



  2. Hi Charlene, The site looks back to normal, but be sure to read the terms of use on Amazon Associates. It clearly states that you can't "tell" people to click on your links. Some free blogs have been known to shut people down for improper advertising practices, but other than the "encouragement" in the right margin, I don't see anything else that would have caused it to go dark. Maybe it was just a glitch with the net. Sometimes storms in certain areas will cause problems accessing things even from clear parts of the country.
    We're glad you're out having fun and enjoying life! Stay well!

  3. I can read it. Wouldn't miss it. Thanks for sharing your life with us!

  4. cmterry... thanks for following along.

    John Albert... I am going to soon be able to follow up on some of your suggestions.
