Navigational Tabs

Monday, January 28, 2013

SOS... Help Requested.

Forgive me kind followers, but today I had to spend $900 on tires.  That left me short of funds to pay my auto insurance payment on Feb 5... of about $170 (a quarterly payment).   I am really only short about $20 but have no place to come up with that amount.  I had forgotten about the auto insurance until after I bought the tires... and now am in trouble.  My next income isn't until Feb 20.  Darn.  I am not asking for a gift although some of you offered last year and told me to let you know if I  needed help.  If I could do some sketches for people, that would be great.  Or if anyone could advance me money until Feb 20, I would be ever so greatful.  You can use the Yellow Donate button in the upper right corner of this blog page.

By the way, I have a phone job interview tomorrow at noon for a possible job in Alaska.  Prayers couldn't hurt either.

Thank you again for your support and for following me.